Thursday, January 21, 2010

294 Forgetting Die Lebenswelt

Die Lebenswelt is the concept of the living world, it is who one truly is, it is the world and everything in it. I imagine it as being the essense of life, it is that special thing makes one truly alive. We lose sight of die lebenswelt through external forces that act upon us. Such forces are technology, religion, political beliefs, external influences ect. Slowly people start to lose sight of themselves. One starts to define thiler character with the way they dress, what television shows they enjoy or other trivial ways. Learning about this concept really made me open my eyes. Too often do I lose sight of myself and it is an easy thing to do in a world where one is constantly bombarded by ideas. There are moments when I look up in the sky and really enjoy what I see. Something so common as clouds and blue sky are so majestic. The world around us is far more interesting and greater than anything that people could ever create.

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