For the next gallery openings i will present a new series that incorporates the use of fibers. In this series i have combined drawings with sisal rope stretched taught over nails on the board. The rough sisal rope draws much attention but it works well with the drawing and over all composition.
coarseness of the rope stretched over the nails symbolizes the the burdens that bind us all. In "Fiber #1, The Hidden Woman" the figure is entirely covered with the rope except for the eyes. I wanted to present the idea of countless expectations and rules that women abide by. It is not targeted to any one specific culture but it is a universal
commentary. With each society there seems to a set of rules for women that do not seem to exist for the men. An individual bound in rope is someone who has been conquered and kept under control. This work is a symbol of the societal bonds that have been placed on women in order to control them. Perhaps it is fear of
their power that has led to the creation of these bonds.
The following works that follow are "Fiber #2, Bound Eyes" and "Fiber #3, Mask of Rope" the rope serves as different forms of
oppression. In "Fiber #2" the rope is a self imposed barrier that prevents us from seeing the world. Instead of being open to the world and its experiences the figure chooses to be closed and only see what they choose to. "Fiber #3" is a figure where only the eyes and the mouth are showing. the eyes and mouth are in an expression of extreme joy. Beneath it all is a warm, happy and loving person but he is covered by the cold harsh rope. This is another example of how the bonds are those that are placed by our own hands. The rope covers the figure up
until it is chocked out by the very knots that they tie.