Thursday, December 24, 2009

266 Christmas Wishes

These are some of my christmas wishes when I was a little child. Needless to say I never received these wishes. When I was little all I ever wanted was a ligh saber, a laser gun, hotdog making machine, robot and some super powers. Is that so much to ask santa for??? As I grew older and the horrible truth about Santa Claus was revealed to me I learned to ask for more tangible gifts like board games. That is when my christmas wishes started to come true. I still wish that someday I will receive some of these things.

On a side noted I started to draw the robot, laser gun and dinosaur as if I were to draw them when I was little. Drawing like this is a very fun experience. :) Merry Christmas to all and Happy Holidays as well :D I hope that everyone has plenty of joy to go around!!!


  1. wow Rolfe!!! this is so sweet :) wish i could have some kind of santa to ask for presents.. but no we didn't have one so..

    can't wait what those drawings will look like :) hope they will be colorful??

    happy holidays.. wish this year will bring the best things for you.. especially the "being a real and full time artist" thing :)

    take care and enjoy your holiday..


  2. Thank you so much for your holiday wishes :D I hope that you have a great holiday time this year as well :) May all your wishes come true. You are a wonderful person and you really deserve it :D
