Monday, July 20, 2009

108 Texan Octopus

Today's drawing is inspired but my friend Elena. She is a fellow artist and we recently did an artwork trade and this is what resulted from the artwork she gave me. She is a phenomenal artist and I am very proud to have one of her works and that it has influenced todays drawing in some ways :)


  1. well does that have a message or something? we used to see an octopus with shoes in cartoons :)it reminded me those cartoons i loved to watch... its head seems a little scary but its really cute ^^ those shoes are funny @_@

  2. OF COURSE YOU CAN include a link on your page to mine, holy crap!! @_@ *dies*

    I LOVE the octopus' little botts XD!!!

  3. SORRY, wrong reply to you about the link. DISREGARD PLZ.

    But I DO love the octopus' little booties <3
